Know about the Best Vitamins for Healthy Eyes
Everyone wants a crystal clear eyesight and healthy eyes. We completely depend on our vision for normal functioning, that the thought of diminishing vision is often terrifying. To make sure that you keep your eyes healthy, as you age. It’s important to know the best vitamins for the eyes. Vitamins are organic compounds that are required by the body in adequate amounts. An organic compound is said to be a vitamin when the body cannot synthesize that particular compound, but that compound is necessary for normal body functions. Hence, the best way to get vitamins is to consume them in your diet. Supplementation of vitamins may be required in deficiency states, but not for healthy individuals. Currently, 13 recognized vitamins are essential for the human body. Vitamins perform a diverse range of functions. They can regulate mineral metabolism, hormone production, cell growth regulation, and also some of them are antioxidants. Vision care: The best vitamins for the eyes It is estimated that 75% of people notice a change in their visual acuity by the age of 50. Taking the best vitamins for the eyes is a good preventative measure. The best vitamins for the eyes include: Vitamin A You might have been told that eating carrots are important for good eyesight.