Lung cancer – Types, symptoms, and causes
When the cells in the lungs begin to abnormally multiply and grow, it results in cancer. Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. And the risk of suffering from this life-threatening disease is even higher when one is a smoker. Herein, we discuss the various factors that come into play when it comes to lung cancer. Symptoms of lung cancer Usually, lung cancer does not present any symptoms or signs in the early stages. However, as the disease progresses, one may notice Headache Bone pain Loss in weight Hoarse voice Chest pain Shortness of breath Coughing of blood A new cough that persists One should consult a doctor if they notice these signs. If someone is unable to quit smoking, they should visit a medical practitioner for quitting techniques to help avoid this disease. Types of lung cancer There are two kinds of lung cancer: Non-small cell lung cancer This is a catchall term that includes many varieties of this disease, like large cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma. Small cell lung cancer This happens mainly to people who are heavy smokers, and it’s rarer than non-small cell lung cancer. Risk factors of lung cancer Various factors put you at risk of getting this disease.