4 foods that worsen atrial fibrillation
A person’s daily meals are vital for their overall cardiovascular health. Regularly consuming healthy and nutrient-rich foods can help one’s heart and circulatory system function efficiently, providing oxygen and nutrients to all body parts. However, certain foods can worsen symptoms of conditions like atrial fibrillation, where the heart beats too quickly. This article discusses 4 foods to avoid to prevent the development or worsening of such conditions. Read on to learn more. Salted chips Salt is a major cause of heart issues in individuals, so healthcare experts advise people with existing heart conditions to consume it in moderation (only 1,200 milligrams of sodium daily). Salt contains sodium, which increases the blood volume and makes it harder for the heart to pump it. This leads to atrial fibrillation or a worsening of the condition’s symptoms. Salted potato chips contain massive amounts of salt, making them one of the worst foods for those with atrial fibrillation. High sodium levels in the blood can also cause potassium levels to decrease. Potassium is essential for the heart to work properly and efficiently. Therefore, a potassium deficiency can lessen the effectiveness of one’s cardiovascular system. White bread Gluten is just as bad as salt for people with heart conditions.