How to solve cat litter box problems
If you’re frustrated with how your cat uses its litter box, you’re not alone. Most cat owners admit that their furry friends develop issues with their litter boxes, which can be anything from not using the box altogether to defecating or urinating inside and outside the box. Health and behavioral issues could be attributed to this. Thankfully, there are a few tried and tested methods that can help solve your furry companion’s litter box problems. Consult the vet Before you try anything else, it’s best to take your cat to the vet. Sometimes, health issues can prevent your cat from using the litter box properly. These issues may include painful urination, constipation, diarrhea, injured paws, arthritis, dementia, diabetes, or kidney problems. The vet may inquire about your cat’s litter box problem in detail and recommend a urinalysis, stool check, or a blood test. Place the box in an appropriate location Like humans, cats need privacy when they do their business. If the litter box is currently located in a high-traffic area, move it to a quiet place where there’s the least disturbance. However, make sure that the new place isn’t too far or isolated, like in the basement. Also, avoid keeping the box close to their bed or food bowl.