Foods to avoid for managing bronchitis
Bronchitis is a lung condition in which the lining of the bronchial tubes, which are responsible for transporting air to and from the lungs, gets inflamed. The condition can be chronic or acute and can develop as a result of an underlying respiratory condition or a cold. Certain foods can also trigger the condition and cause the symptoms to worsen. Here are some foods to avoid when diagnosed with bronchitis. Dairy products People suffering from chronic bronchitis need to limit their intake of dairy products. When digested, these items release a compound known as casomorphin, which is known to elevate the amount of phlegm and mucus released by the body. This can lead to severe coughing, which could worsen wheezing and pain in patients suffering from the disease. Instead of dairy products, you can opt for alternatives such as almond or soy milk. Excess salt Excess salt can be extremely harmful to patients suffering from the disease because too much sodium can cause water retention in the body leading to difficulty breathing. To season your food, it is essential to opt for low-sodium salt alternatives, as suggested by a nutritionist, to counteract any harmful effects on the body. It is also essential to keep an eye on labels about the amount of salt present in snacks and processed foods.